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It’s finally happening.

It’s finally real.

“The Second Beast” will be released on October 31, 2020. Watch for the Kindle presale announcement coming soon.

Here’s the final text for the back cover:

Michael knew the end of the world was coming.
He just thought he’d have more time.

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Tonight, I will be reading the first chapter of “His Name Was Death” on Facebook Live. I will do another chapter every night until I’ve read the entire book. Everyone is invited. Tell your friends and neighbors (from a distance).

It’s my small way of helping you find a little bit of entertainment in these difficult times.

9PM PDT, staring April 4, 2020

You’ve likely learned by now that I’m not the most consistent writer (if you’re even bothering to pay attention anymore). Until I win the lottery or HBO comes through with a surprise millions of dollars for the TV rights to Dead Man’s Tale, my writing will remain something I do in my spare time.

I’m a husband, a father two young girl, and a full time software developer. Spare time is a rare and coveted luxury.

Over the holidays, I was able to carve out some of that luxury.

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It’s late and I’m tired, but I’m also very excited. I wanted to share my latest progress with you.

I just completed Chapter 28, Save Our Souls. Like a few other chapters, I’ve renamed this one from what was originally in the outline (Wails in the Night).

It’s 10 pages, 2,295 words. It also means I’ve officially reach the 3/4 point and the second plot point. There are nine more chapters that comprise the thrilling conclusion of The Second Beast.

But now, I’m going to bed.

You didn’t believe me, did you? I mean, I can understand your skepticism. It’s my fault, after all. But I did it.

That’s right, I’ve finished my second chapter in a week, Chapter 27, Every Damn Thing You Love. The original planned title was Stripped of All Masks, but I never really liked that one. I believe the new title fits the chapter better. What do you think?

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I’ve just completed Chapter 26, In a Place Like This. It’s 2641 words in 11 pages of Michael Reaper goodness. It has bad jokes, it has mythical creatures, it has tense confrontations, and it has a geeky pop reference or two. It is everything you’ve come to know and love about my writing style.


Here we are again. I'm not happy with my current writing pace, but I'm averaging about a chapter a month, with some months seeing two. With 13 chapters left in the original outline, at my average pace, I should be done with the rough draft in under a year. My hope is to be done in well less time than that.

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Here we are again. If I keep up this pace, I might just finish this thing some day.

Just finished Chapter 19, Holding Out for a Hero. It's 15 pages and 3777 words. It's pretty late, so I'm sure there'll be some major editing in the last couple of pages I wrote tonight, but half asleep me has read it, and thinks it's pretty good.

It's been a while since I've posted any updates. To you, my faithful (or even adulterous) fans, I humbly apologize. Unfortunately, as much as I'd love writing to be my full time job, it is not. There are several things in my life which take priority, including my day job, my wife, my children, and my home.

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Now that I'm back at my day job, progress has slowed again. However, I found a few hours today to finish off the sixteenth chapter of "The Second Beast", Face of Evil. It's 12.5 pages and just shy of 3,000 words. Yes, part of the chapter was written in December, but we'll just keep that between us.

Zeroing in on half way done with the first draft.