Chapter XXXII - Cry Havoc

I’ve just finished the 32nd chapter in “The Second Beast,” entitled “Cry Havoc”. It’s ten pages and roughly 2,300 words. I can’t say much about the content, as almost any detail would be a major spoiler this close to the end.

Okay, I can say that Michael gives a speech that makes me a little proud. All on his own, too; I had very little to do with it.

If you’re playing along at home, “Cry Havoc” was originally meant to be Chapter 33. “Keep Your Friends Close” was outlined as Chapter 32. Unfortunately, as the story developed, the contents of “Keep Your Friends Close” became too scant to justify a whole chapter of their. Some of the concepts got rolled forward into “Cry Havoc.”

If you’re wildly disappointed because you firmly believe 37 is an ideal number of chapters for my second novel—and, I mean, who wouldn’t—fear not! The content that was planned for “Cry Havoc” ended up being too much for a single chapter. I’ve added a new chapter 33 to the outline entitled “The Dogs of War” (shout out to my Shakespeare peeps).

So it all evened out in the end.

32 down, and only five to go.

It’s getting real up in here.

Amazing Writing Weekend

Chapter XXXI - And Then There Were Two