Chapter XXXI - And Then There Were Two

Another chapter down, with six more to go. Roughly 2,700 words in twelve new pages. This is an interesting chapter as we bring back a character thought lost, and lose a character we expected to stick with us through the whole damn thing.

“The Second Beast” is now roughly 98k words. I estimate around 15k to go in the last six chapters (though it’s always a little difficult to estimate accurately). We’re probably looking at between 110k and 120k words before it goes to my editor.

For comparison, the final draft of “His Name Was Death” came in at 84k words, which actually grew several thousand words from the initial first draft given to my editor.

My goal is to get “The Second Beast” done this year (preferably early in the year). Don’t worry, I totally get why you don’t trust me.

Chapter XXXII - Cry Havoc

Ho Ho Ho - Merry Chapters