Chatper XVIII - The John McClane

Well, I can finally say it. After an extended hiatus (which sounds so much better than "after being too damn busy to write for a year"), I've finished up my second chapter in a week, and am officially half way done with the first draft of "The Second Beast".

The John McClane, the 18th chapter, is 2,730 words in 11 pages which brings us to the midpoint (in story structure verbiage).

I also did a minor rewrite toIn Sheep's Clothing, adding 600 more words in three more pages about what I think is a fun new character.

So, at this (mid) point, Microsoft Word tells me that "The Second Beast" is 234 pages, and 55,154 words. That means (for those that are mathematically challenged), I'm on track for roughly 110,000 words at completion. For comparison, "His Name Was Death" had a final tally of 83,403 words, so my second book should be roughly 25% longer. At this rate, I should make George RR Martin length after only 807 more books (give or take).

I love the feeling of writing again! And the wife says she's liking the first draft of "The Second Beast" much better than "His Name Was Death".

(And for the record, she really liked "His Name Was Death" ;-) )

Chapter XIX - Holding Out for a Hero

Chapter XVII - In Sheep's Clothing