Win Signed Copies!

Win Signed Copies!


Would you like to win signed copies of His Name Was Death and The Second Beast?

Are you an audiobook fan?

I need your help and, yes, I'm willing to bribe you for it. I recently posted a sample audiobook recording of His Name Was Death, Chapter 1, "You Really Can Go Home Again" to my website. You'll find it at, about halfway down the page.

Listen to it, however you normally enjoy audiobooks, then send me your honest feedback. You can respond to this post with your feedback, or message me privately on Facebook. Each person who sends me feedback by 11:59 PM PDT on 10/30/2020 will be entered into the drawing to win a free signed copy of both my books, mailed to you at my expense.

Winner will be announced Halloween day, the same day that The Second Beast is officially released.

And yes, I do want honest feedback; the substance of your feedback--good, bad or indifferent--will not impact your chances of winning.

Anyone who has previously received a signed copy of either book isn't eligible to win, bit I would still welcome your feedback!

Book 3 Title Reveal

Book 3 Title Reveal

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