XXXVII - Ghosts of the Future

Well, boys and girls, I’ve done it. I’ve finished Chapter 37, “Ghosts of the Future,” the last chapter of “The Second Beast.”

It’s just over 4,000 words in approximately 19 pages.

And it’s done.

The entire book, including TOC, About the Author, and back cover text is 115,193 words in 521 pages.

When I wrote “His Name Was Death,” the About the Author stated I was forty (that was actually a lie by the time I published, several months later). My new About the Author states I’m forty-five, which should still be true when this book makes its way to Amazon.

At this pace, I might even finish the series before I die.

I’ll start a read through this weekend, looking for any glaring issues. Next week, I’ll be looking for a couple alpha readers before sending it to my editor.

Want to be an alpha reader? Let me know.

Calling All Alpha Readers

XXXVI - Bolt from the Blue