Calling All Alpha Readers

I’ve finished my post rough draft read through. In the process, I made a number of small tweaks to tighten things up, but nothing truly substantive. I can say I’m actually quite happy with how the draft reads and the story flows—I hardly ever say that about my own writing.

Post read through, I’m at 115,713 words in 525 pages. That includes the back cover text, so ignoring that I’m at ‭115,586‬ words in 524 pages

I’ve reached out to my editor; I’ll be sending her the draft in 1-2 weeks. It’ll probably take 2+ months to get the first round of edits back.

I’ve also reached out to my cover artist and we’ll be starting that process very soon as well.

Would you like to be involved in the journey between rough draft and final draft? Can you handle reading a manuscript that isn’t publishable quality, with typos, punctuation errors, and the occasional logic gap? Are you desperate enough for an escape from your quarantined family that you’ll read almost anything? Are you somebody I know that foolishly thinks I would trust them with my unreleased work?

I’m currently looking for 2-3 alpha readers who can read “The Second Beast” in its current form. You would be expected to finish the book in roughly a week, sending your feedback soon enough for me to consider it and potentially incorporate it before the draft goes to my editor.

Remember that the current draft will likely change, and no doubt improve, before its final release. I will happily, for your troubles, provide an autographed copy of “The Second Beast” in its final form. It will barely be worth the price of the paper its printed on, and my signature certainly won’t help.

Please let me know if you are interested.

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XXXVII - Ghosts of the Future