XXXVI - Bolt from the Blue

You know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men? (For the record, in this analogy, I’m the men).

Took a week off of work to write and finish “The Second Beast”, only to have a kid get sick and then to have a me get sick. (Don’t worry, it’s not Coronavirus. Kidlet caught the flu from a cousin and I had a stomach bug). And of course, as it always does, life insisted on intruding.

Thank goodness everyone is better now and I told life to go to hell. I was able to type up the penultimate chapter today, Chapter 36, “Bolt from the Blue”. It is 12 pages and 2,700 words of “really good stuff.” (Being intentionally vague here since, you know, it’s the penultimate chapter).

“The Second Beast” now sits at approximately 110,800 words, almost half again as long as “His Name Was Death”. And yet, somehow, it feels shorter to me. The wife thinks it flows better than my first book, so maybe that’s why.

I’ll attack Chapter 37, “Ghosts of the Future”, tomorrow. It should be somewhere around 15 pages of essentially epilogue. Don’t know if I’ll finish it tomorrow (sorry Lis), but I will finish it very soon. I promise.

When have I ever lied to you, my faithful fans?

Don’t answer that.

XXXVII - Ghosts of the Future

Chapter XXXV - The Quick and the Dead