All in Ramblings

No matter how carefully you plan, prepare and execute, you don't really know how the story will unfold until you wade in waist deep. Things that look and feel ideal in the beginning of the project reveal themselves to be the wrong direction once you actually get to them.

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A fan on Goodreads recently asked me if I was going to release His Name Was Death as an audiobook.

The short answer is: no, there are currently no plans to make an audiobook for His Name Was Death.

The long answer is: no, there are currently no plans to make an audiobook for His Name Was Death, but I'd love to.

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Another month has drawn to an end. April was the first full calendar month in which His Name Was Death was available for sale. For those keeping track, my debut novel was first available on March 13th. In the month of March, I sold 40 eBooks, 2 paperbacks, and had 16,815 pages read through Kindle Unlimited (for roughly another 35.8 copies).

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I'm somewhere around 200 books sold now (if you count Kindle Unlimited page reads). I've got twelve reviews on Amazon, all very positive. I have four reviews on Goodreads and six positive rankings. It was only a matter of time before someone didn't like my book.

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I'm sitting here, way too late on a Saturday, working feverishly on getting up and running. My first book, His Name Was Death, is a couple weeks from publication, and I'm really looking forward to unleashing it upon the world​.

That's all for now, but I hope to be sharing a lot more soon.