It was inevitable

I'm somewhere around 200 books sold now (if you count Kindle Unlimited page reads). I've got twelve reviews on Amazon, all very positive. I have four reviews on Goodreads and six positive rankings. It was only a matter of time before someone didn't like my book.

​I just got my first, dreaded, two star ranking on Goodreads. There's no review, just the ranking. That's frustrating, because a part of me wants to understand why...wants to know how to fix it. What can I do to satisfy this reader in book 2?

A big part of me wants to reach out and ask these questions

That would be stupid and unprofessional, and I know that. No book is for everyone. I can't please every reader. "His Name Was Death" is being well received. Sales are picking up (though I'm not exactly sure why). I've been on the bestseller list for Supernatural Thrillers 4 times in 5 days. I'm never going to feed my family on the royalties (except, maybe, a pizza or two), but it's a success that I can build on with future books.

​Andrew on Goodreads, I'm sorry you didn't like my book. Good luck in your search for something else you'll enjoy.

Everybody Loves a Sale

It's a bestseller!

It's a bestseller!