Outlining Progress

It's been about a month since I've given any updates on the outlining process. As I've mentioned before, I use the Snowflake Method for building my outlines. It's an 8 step process, and each steps expands on previous steps to build a rich outline of the story and characters. Today, I finished Step 6 of the outline on Book 2. And with the completion of Step 6, I now have a 4,400 word synopsis for the entire storyline of "The Second Beast".

I'm very happy with how the story has developed, and it holds some twists and turns that I hope will keep you, the reader, actively engaged. Two more steps to go before I start writing Chapter 1, but doing all this work up front just helps things go much more smoothly (and quickly) once writing actually begins.

I'm excited. Are you?

The Shirts Have Landed

The Shirts Have Landed

The Store is Live

The Store is Live