The Store is Live

The Store is Live

Did you love "His Name Was Death"?

Do you have some cash to blow?

Does the idea of being a walking billboard make you weak in the knees?

If you answered yes to all of the above questions (or any of them), then today is your lucky day! The store is now live; you can click the link at, or go directly to You'll find shirts with title art, cover art, quotes from my book, and even the shirts that Chris wears in His Name Was Death. I've set the prices almost as low as I can, but I will donate 50% of all Store proceeds to charities benefiting animals and animal welfare in the Seattle area.

Have your own idea for a T-Shirt? Send it to me in email, or on Facebook. If I use your idea, I'll send you a free T-Shirt and my thanks.


Outlining Progress

What about an audiobook?