December Done, Merriment Managed

Well boys and girls, I know I was bad about updating my progress during the month of December. I got less done than I wanted, but what I did write is high quality.

I played with a couple different methods of increasing my output speed, without much success. I think I'm someone that just really needs to edit on the fly. Though I work more slowly than some on the first pass that way, it does improve speed in the editing phases that come later. I also just need to practice, practice, practice. So if you would all go out and buy about 10,000 copies of my book each, I can retire from my day job and write full time ;-).

Anyway, I did manage to crank out 5+ chapters, including the longest chapter in the book so far, for 17k words across 73 pages. I did that amid many distractions, including Holiday Time with the Family, a Disneyland Trip, and throwing my back out for a couple days. I wouldn't trade any of those experiences for more words (well, except for the back thing, that sucked).

The full list is as follows:

  • XI - Into the Fire - 13 pages and 2860 words

  • XII - The Real Job - 9 pages and 2244 words

  • XIII - Some Run Toward the Danger - 10 pages and 2288 words

  • XIV - Not What It Seems - 13 pages and 3224 words

  • XV - Ghosts of the Present - 21 pages and 5017 words

  • XVI - Face of Evil (in progress) - 7 pages and 1453 words

As always, my loyal fans (and even you disloyal ones), I will continue to provide updates as I make further progress.

Chapter XVI - Face of Evil

Popping My Book Club Cherry

Popping My Book Club Cherry