Three More Chapters

It's been a while since I've posted anything about new chapters. Unfortunately, that's because life has been getting in the way of writing a lot lately. Things are getting back under control, and I was able to celebrate a chunk of the holiday weekend with writing.

And I've finished three more chapters.

Chapter VI - Who Ya Gonna Call?
2468 words in 10 pages

Chapter VII - Moans in the Night
2306 word in 9.5 pages

Chapter VIII - The Problem With Love
1944 words in 8 pages

A couple interesting things to note:

  • For those following along at home, you'll notice that "Moans in the Night" is a new, previously unlisted chapter. It turns out that "The Problem With Love" ended up being longer than I expected, and had a really good breaking point in the middle. So I broke it...into two chapters.

  • The draft currently sits at 25,000 words, with three chapters left still in the planned first quarter of the book. "His Name Was Death" was just over 80,000 words. Obviously, there will be several rounds of editing with Lauren, and things could change significantly, but "The Second Beast" is currently on pace to be well over 100k words.

  • Part of my down time the last few weeks was reworking one of my subplots, making it more important than I'd originally intended. So I spent a lot of time doing fresh outlining and rewriting on that sub plot. That time wasn't completely sitting idle.

I'm getting very excited about where the book is going at this point. I read pretty much every chapter to my wife when I finish the rough, and she's getting excited too.

Chapter IX - The Howling

Cover Reveal, Take Two

Cover Reveal, Take Two