My favorite review

My favorite review

This is officially my new favorite review.

Why, you might ask?

First, this is from a total stranger. They read my book for free, and liked it so much they felt compelled to buy a copy. They don't frequently review books, but they reviewed mine. And they liked Michael enough that he's become one of their favorite characters....

Do I want to get rich and famous? Sure, who doesn't. This, though...this is what it's all about: writing stories that speak to people, that touch and move them.

I hope one day to be a full time writer. I don't want to do it for the money (since we all know it likely won't be a lot). I want to do it so I can make these kinds of connections to readers, as so many books have connected with me.

Thank you for the review, Lolla. If we ever cross paths, I would love to give you a signed copy.


1 Month Report

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