J.Eric Hance

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What about an audiobook?

A fan on Goodreads recently asked me if I was going to release His Name Was Death as an audiobook.

The short answer is: no, there are currently no plans to make an audiobook for His Name Was Death.

The long answer is: no, there are currently no plans to make an audiobook for His Name Was Death, but I'd love to.

Unfortunately, audiobooks are either an expensive process, or a very time consuming process. The options are to hire a professional or do it yourself.

A good audiobook can take hundreds of hours, both in narration and editing. As you can imagine, hundreds of hours of a professional's time is not cheap. To date, I haven't made even a thousand dollars in royalties, so putting thousands into producing an audiobook simply doesn't make sense.

There are profit sharing options, where a professional agrees to produce an audiobook essentially for free, with an agreement that gives them a substantial chunk of the profits. I'd happily consider going that route, but given the current state of my royalties, it doesn't make sense for a professional audiobook producer to invest the time and effort in my book; the rewards aren't there.

The last option is for me to produce my own audiobook; it's another option I've considered. Unfortunately, I don't have a good, quiet space in my home to setup as a studio (I live close to a freeway, and have two small children). So either I need to rent a studio (again, a very expensive option) or I need to impose on a friend/associate who has their own studio. And even then, I would need to put hundreds of hours into recording and editing myself. Since I have a full time job in addition to my writing, that would mean delaying work on Book 2, "The Second Beast", by several months.

Hopefully, as the series progresses, I will start seeing enough royalties that an audiobook makes sense. For now, I'm afraid, the eBook or paperback are your only options. But, on the positive side, I'm reducing the price of the eBook today to $0.99. Hopefully that will make it more accessible to a larger body of readers.