J.Eric Hance

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The Second Beast Chapter List

I decided to do one last outlining step before beginning work on Chapter 1. I already have the whole story mapped out in a fair amount of detail, including all the chapter breaks. Just like in "His Name Was Death", I knew I was going to name all the chapters. And yes, the chapter breaks may change as I write, but I decided to name the chapters up front to help set the tone (and, frankly, it actually helped me flesh out a few more details).

So, without further adieu, I present you the table of contents from "The Second Beast"

I - Ghosts of the Past
II - Back in the Saddle
III - Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf
IV - Angel of Death
V - Who You Gonna Call
VI - The Problem With Love
VII - The Howling
VIII - Out of the Frying Pan
IX - Into the Fire
X - The Real Job
XI - Some Run Toward the Danger
XII - Not What It Seems
XIII - Ghosts of the Present
XIV - Face of Evil
XV - In Sheep's Clothing
XVI - The John McClane
XVII - Holding Out for a Hero
XVIII - Survivor's Guilt
XVIX - Anyone But Him
XX - Dion's
XXI - Indecent Proposal
XXII - You Will Know the Truth
XXIII - The Truth Will Set You Free
XXIV - In a Place Like This
XXV - Stripped of Their Masks
XXVI - Wails of Distress
XXVII - Trojan Horse
XXVIII - Puppy Love
XXVIX - Where the Bodies are Buried
XXX - Keep You Friends Close
XXXI - The Last Trumpet
XXXII - Every Bloody Inch
XXXIII - Bolt From the Blue
XXXIV - Ghosts of the Future

I will start work on "Ghosts of the Past" this weekend.

Who else is excited?