J.Eric Hance

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T-Shirt Giveaway

Would you like a free "His Name Was Death" t-shirt? Through the end of September, I will give two of my Facebook fans, chosen at random, a free t-shirt every time "His Name Was Death" receives ten new qualifying reviews on Amazon.

Want to increase your odds?

1) Buy "His Name Was Death" at http://amzn.com/B01CXPVF4E (or read it for free through Kindle Unlimited)
2) Write a review on Amazon.
3) Like my Facebook page at http://facebook.com/authorjerichance

Winners will be announced on my Facebook page and contacted through Facebook for t-shirt selection and shipping information. Winners may pick any t-shirt from http://www.cafepress.com/jerichance, subject to availability. I reserve the right to disqualify any reviews which do not accurately reflect the book, or which are derogatory or offensive.

Good luck!