J.Eric Hance

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Outlining Progress

It's been about a month since I've given any updates on the outlining process. As I've mentioned before, I use the Snowflake Method for building my outlines. It's an 8 step process, and each steps expands on previous steps to build a rich outline of the story and characters. Today, I finished Step 6 of the outline on Book 2. And with the completion of Step 6, I now have a 4,400 word synopsis for the entire storyline of "The Second Beast".

I'm very happy with how the story has developed, and it holds some twists and turns that I hope will keep you, the reader, actively engaged. Two more steps to go before I start writing Chapter 1, but doing all this work up front just helps things go much more smoothly (and quickly) once writing actually begins.

I'm excited. Are you?