J.Eric Hance

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Ho Ho Ho - Merry Chapters

You’ve likely learned by now that I’m not the most consistent writer (if you’re even bothering to pay attention anymore). Until I win the lottery or HBO comes through with a surprise millions of dollars for the TV rights to Dead Man’s Tale, my writing will remain something I do in my spare time.

I’m a husband, a father of two young girl, and a full time software developer. Spare time is a rare and coveted luxury.

Over the holidays, I was able to carve out some of that luxury.

I started by doing a light edit of the first ~89,000 words in “The Second Beast”. I then did a fairly extensive rewrite on three chapters that desperately needed it. (17-19, “In Sheep’s Clothing”, “The John McClane”, and “Holding Out for a Hero”).

And then I added ~6,000 new words in two chapters.29, “Trojan Horse” gives Michael an important new revelation. 30, “Puppy Love” provides us additional information about some of the book’s new characters.

I’m seven chapters from completing the first draft, and will do my best to carve out more of that luxury soon, and often.