J.Eric Hance

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Chapter XXXV - The Quick and the Dead

Hello faithful fans. Believe it or not, after nearly four years, there’s actually an end in sight. I’m only two chapters and approximately 26 pages from the end of “The Second Beast.”

My latest chapter, number 35, is entitled “The Quick and the Dead.” The original title was “Every Bloody Inch,” but for various reasons I won’t go into now, that ended up being the wrong title for what the chapter became.

“The Quick and the Dead” is 2,166 words in 10 pages, bringing “The Second Beast” to a grand total of approximately 108,000 words.

I will continue to lean in this week, with every intention of finishing the last two chapters, “Bolt from the Blue” and “Ghosts of the Future” before Monday.

That’s right, before Monday.