J.Eric Hance

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Chapter XXVI - In a Place Like This

Another day, another chapter.

Okay, another four months, another chapter, but you get the idea.

2019 has been extremely busy on the family front and on the health (weight loss) front, cutting into my writing time significantly. Luckily, we’re heading into a relatively calm period; I should be able to pick up the pace again.

And, as evidence, I’ve just completed Chapter 26, In a Place Like This. It’s 2641 words in 11 pages of Michael Reaper goodness. It has bad jokes, it has mythical creatures, it has tense confrontations, and it has a geeky pop reference or two. It is everything you’ve come to know and love about my writing style.

(And if you don’t know and love my writing style, feel free to pop on over to Amazon and get acquainted with His Name Was Death).

The Second Beast is now officially at 82,106 words, weighing in just 1800 words shy of His Name Was Death, with over 1/4 of the book to go.

This one is going to be fun!