J.Eric Hance

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Chapter XXIV - One Innocent Life

Another chapter done.

This chapter was really hard for me to write. It took me about a month of thought, planning, research, and even visiting the location where the chapter is set (though the visit turned into a nice family dinner that the wife, kidlets and I really enjoyed). It touches on some problems we're having far too frequently in American society these days, and it required me to think in ways that are really foreign to me (and, frankly, to most normal human beings). I needed to have the points right in my head, and that just took time.

"One Innocent Life" ended up at 2907 words in 11.5 pages. It's an emotionally charged, important turning point for the story, but planning and writing it really drained me. I'm sure I'll revisit and edit it several times...but not tonight or for a few days.

Hug your families. I know I'll hug mine.