J.Eric Hance

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Chapter XXIII - Indecent Proposal

Here we are again. I'm not happy with my current writing pace, but I'm averaging about a chapter a month, with some months seeing two. With 13 chapters left in the original outline, at my average pace, I should be done with the rough draft in under a year. My hope is to be done in well less time than that.

Just finished the twenty-third chapter of The Second Beat, Indecent Proposal. It continues the exploration of Dion's that was started in the previous chapter (Chapter 22, cryptically entitled Dion's), and also brings back some of the emotion and bad guys encountered earlier. Some things come to a head and others are just torn wide open. Overall, I'm very happy with how the chapter turned out (though Michael really isn't).

Chapter 24, You Will Know the Truth, will definitely start on an interesting note.

For those familiar with traditional story structure, this chapter contained the second pinch point. For those that aren't, this chapter contained the 5/8 point of the story. I'm now well over half way through and effectively on the downhill slide.