J.Eric Hance

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Chapter XX - Survivor's Guilt

It's been a while since I've posted any updates. There are several reasons for that. First, we took a family vacation to Disneyland, during which I got no writing done (the wife probably would have killed me if I tried). While in Disneyland, I threw my back out, and that kept me out of commission for a while longer than it should have (because I'm becoming an old fart). I've also had to focus a bit more on my day job lately, for multiple reasons.

That doesn't mean, however, that I've been sitting idle. I spent some time doing significant rewrites of Chapter 19, Holding Out for a Hero, adding nearly 700 words. It's a kind of chapter I've never written before and I realized it didn't have the punch that the story needed. So I knocked it around a bit until it starting punching back.

I've also now just finished Chapter 20, Survivor's Guilt, roughly 4,000 words in 16 pages. It's a little heavier emotionally, and that always takes me longer to get right.

I'm hoping to get some more writing done this weekend. As always, my faithful fans (if you're still out there), I'll update you on my progress.