J.Eric Hance

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Chapter XVII - In Sheep's Clothing

It's been a while since I've posted any updates. To you, my faithful (or even adulterous) fans, I humbly apologize. Unfortunately, as much as I'd love writing to be my full time job, it is not. There are several things in my life which take priority, including my day job, my wife, my children, and my home. This last year has been a time when I had to focus a lot on my home and therefore writing time suffered.

However, the home projects are complete and I am once again getting back into writing.

My newest chapter, In Sheep's Clothing, is just over 3000 words and just under twelve pages. In it, we really start getting to know the new bad guy and set up the action that will carry us over the halfway point in the book.

I hope to start making these updates far more frequently in the coming months, and hopefully get "The Second Beast" available to you before next year.

Thanks for being patient.