J.Eric Hance

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Chapter X - Out of the Frying Pan

Hello friends and fans. December is swiftly approaching, and I'll be producing a bunch of chapters over the month while I'm off from my day job. However, I haven't been completely stagnant, finding some time to edit the first nine chapters and, now, adding Chapter 10.

Chapter X - "Out of the Frying Pan" is 2400 scrumptious new words in 9 succulent pages. With this one, we increase the cast of characters and the plot thickens (yeah, yeah, you can't really get much more vague then that).

I know progress is slower than my fans would like, and I'd love to do better. One day, hopefully, I can make writing my full time day job and give you every word you'd ever want to consume as fast as you can devour them.

Until then, I'll keep plinking away every time I can.